Where We Come From
Stricker ReproServ was born from a multi-generational family farm and ranch in Bayard, Nebraska. We began our business and continued our way of life in agriculture when Amanda first fell in love with cattle. Since then, we’ve been through many changes and have built a service to help producers in the region to achieve their goals. We look forward to helping your operation grow!
Family Since Always
The roots of our Farm were planted in the 1920's by Jacob Funk. The land where Amanda grew up and learned to raise cattle remains in the family today. Since then we’ve grown from kids to adults and professionals. Today, we teach our next generation the same respect and care for animals that our forebearers taught us.
Leaving a Legacy
We’re dedicated to providing exceptional services to producers in the Western Nebraska region. Our services are designed to bring cutting edge technology and breed leaders to everyday, family operated cow/calf operations. We pride ourselves on our advanced technology and low stress processing techniques. We understand the pride you have in your herd and the legacy you are carrying on for the next generations and are ready to help you build for the future. Contact us to learn more.